South Africa

Mettlestate Cash Cups this week | 13 to 19 March 2023
What South African gamers need to know about the four Cash C...
Valorant Radiant Series Season 2 with R10,000 prize pool
What South African gamers need to know about the Valorant Ra...
Win a Mini-UPS device with TTGE to combat loadshedding
Win a mini-UPS device in a new The Toyota Gaming Engine (TTG...
Mettlestate Cash Cups this week | 6 to 12 March
Learn about the four (4) Cash Cups from South African tourna...
ATK Fortnite Customs this Sunday with R12,000 prize pool
What South African Fortnite fans need to know about the late...
Nixuh wins RLCS 2022-23 SSA Winter Invitational
Here's what went down at the RLCS 2022-2023 Winter Invitatio...
Tribe Campus Battle UCT vs DUT this weekend
What local esports fans need to know about the Tribe Campus ...
COD Conquest Series S1 announced with R10,000 prize pool
South African tournament organizer Mettlestate has anno...
Mettlestate Cash Cups this week | 27 Feb to 5 March 2023
Learn the important details about the four Cash Cups from So...

Your Week In Gaming Podcast, S1 E15 (28 July 2023)