Acer for Education and ACGL commit to a further 3-year partnership

Acer Nitro ASL

Acer for Education and ACGL commit to a further 3-year partnership

All the way back in April 2023, we reported how South African tournament organizer African Cyber Gaming League (ACGL) and Acer for Education partnered up, expanding the ACGL Schools League (ASL) as the Nitro ASL League with a fantastic partnership.

Since then, we’ve seen Nitro ASL make strides in ensuring that young South Africans are not left behind and even have the support to one day compete on the global stage. ACGL has been at the forefront of esports in schools and universities in South Africa, with over 160 schools registered for Nitro ASL leagues. We also recently reported about the huge ACGL Gaming Championship, incorporating all sections, including public leagues, universities, and high schools.

Acer x ACGL Partnership Continues

We are excited to report that, according to a press release we’ve received, Acer for Education and ACGL have committed to a further three-year partnership to invest in and grow the Nitro ASL League and the local school esports scene.

Nick Holden, co-owner of ACGL, explains: “Ultimately, these are the future pros of South Africa and SSA, and we want to be able to follow them along in that journey because the story of how we find our next professional esports player is still to be found, and we can’t wait to be there along for that journey.”

Glenn du Toit, director of Acer Africa, says: “It’s been a phenomenal partnership with ACGL and the ASL league, and being able to reach the schools… not only from a publicity point of view but to see kids who are quiet, sitting in the back of classrooms not engaging on the sports field, to suddenly come to life and just explode in enthusiasm because we’re talking their language – that’s what we’re after.”

We can’t wait to see what the future holds for the Nitro ASL leagues and how ACGL and Acer for Education will continue to improve the scene.

Don’t forget to stay up-to-date with all their announcements by following ACGL on Twitter and Facebook and joining their Discord server.

Header image via ACGL.

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