Riot’s fight against Valorant cheaters is paying off
If you are a competitive Valorant player or just love the esports scene, then you’ll probably want to know how the fight against cheaters is going for developer Riot Games. Well, it turns out it’s going pretty well, as the developer has recently shared an incredible number of stats.
3.6 million Valorant cheaters banned
The most important stat, however, is how many accounts have been banned for cheating in Valorant, and you probably won’t guess that number…
It’s 3.6 million over the past four years. That means Riot Games has banned an account for cheating in Valoratn every 37 seconds. This stat comes from Riot Games’ Jose “the3†Chavez from Riot’s anti-cheat Vanguard team, who explained that:
“In the last 4 years, we’ve banned over 3.6 million accounts just for cheating—that’s roughly one ban every 37 seconds! It’s important to note that this number does not include additional actions we’ve taken against botting, boosting, or intentionally queueing with cheaters.”
Well done, Riot Games, well done!
Riot Games’ Jose “the3†Chavez further explained that they are taking action on more cheaters in Valorant than ever before and revealed how automatic detection is increasing:
“We’re taking action on more cheating accounts than ever before. Some of this is because the game has grown in popularity for cheaters and players alike, but at the same time, we also see that recently, our automated detections are carrying a heavier load than our hardware actioning. This has been a deliberate choice as we test and release additional methods of enforcing a safer environment for VALORANT to run in.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg!
You can check out the full, extremely detailed explanation of Riot Games’ fight against cheaters in Valorant with the Vanguard system and even what’s coming next, such as detecting the use of a mouse in the game’s console version and Ranked rollback plans. Just set aside between one or two hours to take it all in…
Header image via Riot Games.