Dota 2 New Muerta: Abilities and Ultimate


Dota 2 New Muerta: Abilities and Ultimate

Following the Lima Major 2023, Valve unleashed the Dota 2 Gameplay Update 7.32e, as the significant update, 7.33, still needs some time in the oven. What didn’t need time was the new hero, Muerta, which this article is about. In case you haven’t played Dota 2 in a while and want to test out the new hero, we’ve got an overview of Muerta’s abilities and ultimate to share.

Muerta abilities & ultimate

Muerta is a ranged carry hero with some great skills that will give a few meta-heroes a run for their money. Valve describes Muerta as:

“With her fearsome trickshots, summoned spirits, and a sidearm to spare, Muerta’s knack for taking lives was so impressive, Death himself put her on the payroll. A twin-pistoled engine of dead-eyed vengeance, Muerta shepherds wayward souls to the other side, whether they want to get there or not. And if they need more convincing, she’s ready to reveal her true form as a murderous spectral nightmare if it helps them die a little faster.”

Check out Muerta’s abilities and ultimate below so you have some knowledge before going into a match against this powerful new hero.

  • Dead Shot (Q): Muerta fires a ghostly trickshot at an enemy unit or tree. When the bullet strikes, it damages and briefly slows, then ricochets in the targeted direction. The ricochet damages all units that it passes through, stopping when it hits a hero. Heroes hit by the ricochet are feared away from the impact.
  • The Calling (W): Summons a group of 4.0 revenants that slowly circle the targeted location. Enemies within the area are slowed and have reduced attack speed. Revenants deal damage and silence enemies as they pass through them.
  • Gunslinger (E) Passive: Muerta’s attacks have a chance to fire a second shot at another target, prioritizing Heroes.
  • Pierce the Veil (R) Ultimate: Muerta transforms, becoming immune to physical damage. All of her attack damage is dealt as magical damage. Muerta gains bonus attack damage and phased movement. Muerta can attack ethereal units, but deals no damage to Magic Immune targets.

You can read through the entire 7.32e gameplay update, Dead Reckoning, at your leisure to learn about more features and balance changes to heroes and items.

Header image via Valve.

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