Register for the Telkom VS Gaming League 2022

ESEA Season 37 South Africa

Register for the Telkom VS Gaming League 2022

South African gamers from all skill levels shouldn’t miss out on the Telkom VS Gaming League for 2022, featuring Masters, Championships, eDiski and High School eSports Leagues, and even more for casual gamers. The registrations for the Telkom VS Gaming League 2022 has opened, so don’t miss out.

Telkom VS Gaming League 2022

Local gamers can register now for the upcoming Masters (CS:GO) and Championship (Rocket League) leagues, as well as High School esports leagues (HSEL) for both CS:GO and Rocket League. Simply head on over to the Telkom VS Gaming League website to get the process started.

Registrations are currently open and close on 27 February 2022. The local esports action begins on 7 March 2022 with the first leg of the competition. Therefore, local gamers have quite a lot of time to get their teams together and start practising.

Telkom VS Gaming explains:

“Telkom VS Gaming has fast become South Africa’s largest independent gaming brand and the leading online gaming platform in Africa that brings esports to life through various tournaments and leagues across the esports disciplines.

Through VS Gaming there is something for everyone. Suitable for amateur and professional gamers there is Masters, Championships, eDiski and High School eSports League and for the more casual gamer, join the VS Gaming Mobile League, which is an opportunity for you to set top scores across epic mobile games and win some incredible prizes.”

At the time of writing, the exact prize pools for the Masters and Championship leagues have not been revealed. We do know that after three legs. The finals will take place from 22 to 25 September 2022.

Stay up to date with the latest from Telkom VS Gaming by following them on Twitter, or by registering on their website. If you enter any of the Telkom VS Gaming leagues, you should definitely join their Discord server as well.

Header image via Valve.

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